Accountability & Assessment
For more information: Crissy Haynie, (903) 988-6762- Prepare school improvement intervention submission, if applicable
- TAPR released November/December, Statute requires that each district’s Board of Trustees hold a public hearing to discuss the district’s annual report within 90 calendar days of receiving the PDF TAPR. Winter breaks do not count towards the 90 days. Within two weeks following the public meeting, each district must widely publish its annual report, including posting it on the district website and other public places.
- Receive Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) (public hearing on annual report required within 90 days of receipt)
Administration and Leadership
For more information: Jim Moore, (903) 988-6834- Review TEA COVID-19 Resources & Guidelines website for any updates
- Innovative Course Approval Process
- Review endorsements/course offerings for 2022-2023 high school course selection process (TAC§74.12)
- Prepare Annual Finger Printing Certificate and Statement of Compliance (TEC§22.081)
- *Hire staff in accordance with district policy & procedure (as needed)
- Update AskTED
Charter Specific
For more information: Jim Moore, (903) 988-6834- Bank Depository Contract due to TEA on December 1st
- Governance Report due to TEA on December 1st
- Existing Charter Schools: 2022-2023 SC5050 form (optional) for Significant Expansion due to TEA by November 1st (to request additional ESSA and/or IDEA-B funding to be received 2022-2023, based on significant expansion)
- Newly Open Charter Schools: 2022-2023 SC5050 form due to TEA by November 1st (to request ESSA and/or IDEA-B funding to be received 2022-2023 and/or request an Indirect Cost Rate for FY23)
- Update AskTED with TEA Charter Division
Federal and State Programs
For more information: Viki Sparks, (903) 988-6840- Title I Comparability Report
- Continue consultation meetings with private schools (Not Applicable to Charters)
- Review/implement district/campus improvement plans in accordance with district planning process (TEC§11.251)
- Review ESSER III RIPICS and Use of funds plan per six-month review cycle
- 2022-2023 ESSA Final Amounts sent out by TEA, prepare and submit amendment to populate final amounts and coordinate with all programs to identify additional amendments needed
For more information: Dr. Michael Davis, (903) 988-6724- Board approved Annual Audit Report due to TEA no later than November 27th for LEAs with July 1st FY
- Review student attendance figures as compared to prior year and budget projections
Food and Nutrition
For more information: Cathy Brady, (903) 988-6818- Farm to School Month
- October 1st CACFP Program Year begins
- October 1st NSLP Farm Fresh Challenge begins
- October 1st Verification of Sample Household Income Application begins
- October 9th Summer Food Cost Report due
- October 11-15 National School Lunch Week
- October 13th NSLP Take Your Parents to Lunch Day
- October 31st count the number of students enrolled, directly certified, and with approved applications
Perkins Formula Grant
For more information: Mark Parkerson (903) 988.6864- 2021-2022 Perkins Formula Grant Application Revised Final Expenditure Report due in ER system October 14th
School Board
For more information: Dr. Drew Howard, (903) 988-6921- November Elections (BBB Legal) (TEC§3.004-3.005)
- *Canvass Trustee election results (TEC§67.003A)
- *Reorganize Board of Trustees (TEC§11.061C)
- Local orientation for new Board members
- Update Ask TED with changes in Board membership
- Train new members in the superintendent evaluation instrument and process (BBD Legal)
- Statement of Office and Oath of Office for all new Trustees
- Schedule ESC Orientation to the Code for new Board members within the first 120 days after election date
- Prepare Board Training Report (Military Districts Only)
- *Final FIRST Rating released. Hold public hearings within two months
- Review investment policy (Gov’t Code 2256.005(e))
- Approve investment policy revisions as needed (Gov’t Code 2256.005(e))
- *Approve waivers as needed
- Notify ESC Field Service Agents of newly appointed/elected trustees and review associate training requirements/timelines
Special Education
For more information: Beverly Beran, (903) 988-6910- 2021-2022 SHARS (School Health & Related Services) Reimbursement Survey (applicable to all LEAs) due to TEA late October or early November
- 2022-2023 Excess Cost Preliminary Calculation, based on final unaudited 2021-2022 expenditures, should be completed (kept locally)
- 2021-2022 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application State (IDEA-C ECI, State Deaf) Final and Revised Final Expenditure Reports due November 30th
- Monitor special education expenditures from the general fund to ensure on track for MOE (Maintenance of Effort) compliance
Texas Student Data System(TSDS)/PEIMS
For more information: Teresa Richard, (903) 988-6752- Class Roster Fall data available to customers on November 3rd
- ECDS Kindergarten ready for users to promote data on November 7th
- ECDS Prekindergarten ready for users to promote data on November 7th
- Charter School Waitlist data available to customers on November 11th
- PEIMS Mid-Year submission ready for users to promote data on November 14th
For more information: Jim Moore, (903) 988-6834- Transportation Operations Report due December 1st
* Requires Board Action / Approval