Accountability & Assessment
For more information: Crissy Haynie, (903) 988-6762
- Ensure Federal Report Card and School Report Card have been released and distributed
- Complete TAPR Public Meeting
- TELPAS window opens
Administration and Leadership
For more information: Jim Moore, (903) 988-6834
- Review TEA COVID-19 Resources & Guidelines website for any updates
- Develop district goals
- Develop school calendar 2023-2024
- Review Valedictorian & Salutatorian selection process
- *Hire staff in accordance with district policy & procedure (as needed)
- Update AskTED
Charter Specific
For more information: Jim Moore, (903) 988-6834
- Expansion Amendments close March 1st
- Update AskTED with TEA Charter Division
Federal and State Programs
For more information: Viki Sparks, (903) 988-6840
- USDE ESSER Annual Report due in SmartSheets
- Begin budget calendar and budget process for 2023-2024
- Review/implement district/campus improvement plans in accordance with district planning process (TEC§11.251)
- Review ESSER III RIPICS and Use of funds plan per six-month review cycle
For more information: Dr. Michael Davis, (903) 988-6724
- Begin bid for depository contract (due June 15th)/check status for extension (ISD only)
- Calculate State Aid using end of fourth six weeks’ student data
- Establish scope and details of financial audit
- Calculate enrollment projections
- Review student attendance figures as compared to prior year and budget projections
- Review preliminary 2022 CPTD Values
- Appeal preliminary 2022 CPTD Values, if necessary
- Begin budget calendar and budget process for 2023-2024
- Debt Transparency Reporting (August 31st FY) February 27th
- Bonded Debt Payments-from I & S Fund
Food and Nutrition
For more information: Genny D'Souza, (903) 988-6764
- On-site monitoring review deadline is February 1st
- FSMC new contracts must be approved to publish by February 15th
School Board
For more information: Dr. Drew Howard, (903) 988-6921
- *Call Trustee election for May (Link to TASB election timeline document)
- Review Superintendent evaluation instrument & procedures (align superintendent evaluation to your student outcome goals)
- Training for new Trustees (Link to required training support document - see #4)
- Schedule Board candidate workshop for candidates before the election
- *Administrator contracts
- Review schedule for Texas Public Schools’ Week
- *Approve school calendar
- *Approve waivers as needed
Special Education
For more information: Beverly Beran, (903) 988-6910
- Begin budget process for 2023-2024
- Monitor special education expenditures from the general fund to ensure on track for MOE (Maintenance of Effort) compliance
- 2021-2022 Special Education IDEA-B Formula/Preschool ARP - Anticipated Carryover 2/2023
- 2022-2023 IDEA-B SpEd Consolidated (Federal) Grant Final Entitlement and Carryover - Anticipated 2/2023
- Complete required activities according to the RDA Intervention & Submission Calendar
- Submit SD Year 3 Assurances in Legal Framework: Due 1/11/23
- Complete Cyclical Monitoring activities, as needed
- Superintendent signature due by February 15th for data verification of LEA submitted VI Registration and DB Count
Texas Student Data System(TSDS)/PEIMS
For more information: Teresa Richard, (903) 988-6752
- ECDS Kindergarten data available to customers on February 9th
- PEIMS Mid-Year resubmission due to Region 7 on February 2nd
- PEIMS Mid-Year resubmission due to TEA on February 9th
- SPPI-14 submission due to TEA on February 16th
- PEIMS Fall data available to customers on February 16th
- Class Roster Winter ready for users to complete on February 24th
- Class Roster Winter SnapShot date February 24th
- PEIMS Summer submission ready for users to promote data on February 27th
* Requires Board Action / Approval