Equitable access is providing every child with rigorous and enriching educational opportunities in an unbiased and inclusive environment that cultivates the growth of the whole child. Our goal is for the students to grow and learn so that they can achieve the knowledge and skills necessary to become contributing citizens in our society and meet the high demands of our local workforce.
Equality is defined as giving everyone the same resources; equity is giving each student access to the resources they need to grow and flourish.
By giving equitable access, you will have a higher level of student engagement, increased CTE completers, and an increase in Industry-Based Certifications(IBC) to compete for high-wage/high-demand jobs, and you will have created a positive culture on your campus, which will lead to a stronger administration, teacher retention and mentorships, a stronger community, and growing workforce.
Equitable access to CTE programs starts in Kindergarten! Yes, I said Kindergarten! Why would you wait until the student is sitting in their Spring semester in the 8th grade, selecting a plan for the next four years without access to learn about the programs of study? How cool would it be if you were five years old again, sitting in your kindergarten classroom, and the teacher told you that she had a guest speaker for the day?
Immediately, your adult self is thinking, “I am sure it’s a doctor or a lawyer.” Am I right?
Okay, back to your five-year-old self; the door opens and in walks a person that looks like a scuba diver. Immediately, you have grasped every single five-year-old’s attention, plus the teachers. The speaker goes on to explain how he is an underwater welder, also known as Hyperbaric welding. The welder goes on to explain how the high school offers welding and certifications that could help you become a welder. The students are NOW learning about CTE! That is exactly how you start teaching what programs are offered at the high school. Seems pretty simple!
Now, ask yourself, does this opportunity enrich a student? Does this opportunity allow all students to participate? Does this opportunity allow a student to think beyond typical occupations? Yes, yes, and yes! With everyone speaking the SAME CTE language, you have created and cultivated an environment that enriches students, and your CTE programs begin to grow themselves! Remember the quote from the movie Fields of Dreams, “If you build it, they will come?” That’s what you are doing! DON’T wait until their 8th-grade year to talk to students about CTE…it may just be too late!
Here are a few other tips for Elementary level to introduce CTE:
- Career Day (Bulletin Boards)
- Guest Speakers(Workplace Tours/Zooms)
- Visits from High School CTE Students
- CTE Academies
- Reading Time (Books on Careers)
So let’s chat Junior High! How equitable are you with your High School Programs of Study? In Junior High, there are many high School CTE courses you can offer, so where do you start? You start with the END in mind! Let’s talk 4-6 year plan! Be careful pushing SOME of your principles courses down to eighth grade. Why? What is the plan when they are Seniors? Please do not say late start or early release! Their Senior year is when they should be working toward their Industry-Based certification (IBC) because we have worked their entire education for them to graduate CAREER READY! Whether they are going to college, joining the military, or going straight to a career, we want them PREPARED! So, now is NOT the time to back off!
Here are a few tips to help cultivate a culture of equitable access to CTE in Junior High to prepare for the next step to High School:
- Career Fairs
- Guest Speakers
- How are you introducing CTE? Informing parents?
- Visits from high school (website, promo video, introduction)
- CTE Tours
- CTE Commercial (video)
- Workplace Tours/Zooms
- Town Hall Parent Meeting
- Visits with Counselor-Catalogs-Brochures
Now, moving on to High school and beyond!
CTE is NOT an ELECTIVE - CTE IS a Program of Study
CTE is NOT an ELECTIVE - CTE IS a Program of Study
“Perkins V describes a program of study as a coordinated, non-duplicative sequence of academic and technical content at the secondary and postsecondary level that:
- Incorporates challenging state academic standards
- Addresses academic, technical, and employability skills
- Aligns with the needs of industries in the state, regional, and/or local economy
- Progresses in specificity, beginning with all aspects of industry and leading to more occupation-specific instruction
- Has multiple entry and exit points that incorporate credentialing
- Culminates in the attainment of a recognized postsecondary credential.”
The 21st-century economy demands an educated workforce with advanced skills, technical knowledge, and industry-based certifications. What does this mean for our schools? Our schools must strive to build and provide students with equitable access and opportunities for high-quality, rigorous Career and Technical Education (CTE). CTE is receiving increasing attention across Texas on a larger scale due to workforce labor market demands and CCMR accountability.
All students have the right to receive education in all areas without barriers. Training ALL staff in ALL departments is crucial to an equitable program. Are all students able to participate in CTE? YES! Will you possibly need to modify or accommodate? Yes! Are most Industry-Based Certifications able to receive accommodations? YES! We are in the business of serving and educating equitably, without barriers to any of our programs! How do we do this, you might ask? Let our CTE team at Region 7 help you and your team! Join us for Methods of Administration (MOA).
Be sure your district is up-to-date with current required postings: Methods of Administration
Region 7 ESC offers additional help and services through our Career & Technical Education Coop.
Upcoming Region 7 ESC Workshops
April 26, 2023
June 13, 2023
Kimberly Harris is a CTE Specialist in State and Federal Programs with Region 7 ESC. She received her Master’s in Educational Leadership from The University of Texas at Tyler. CTE offers students the ability to learn a trade, receive industry-based certifications, and graduate career-ready with skills for high-wage/high-demand jobs. Kimberly looks forward to continuing to serve Region 7 schools in all things CTE and CCMR.