Accountability & Assessment
For more information: Crissy Haynie, (903) 988-6762- Final 2023 Accountability Manual to be released in July/August
- CCMR Tracker (Part 2) Release (2022-2023 grade 9-12 students)
- 2023 A-F Refresh Parent Resources,Explanatory Materials, Videos released
Administration and Leadership
For more information: Jim Moore, (903) 988-6834- Review TEA COVID-19 Resources & Guidelines website for any updates
- Develop calendar for teacher appraisal and designate second appraiser(s)
- Review administrator appraisal calendar
- *Review student and staff handbooks
- *Review and amend Student Code of Conduct
- Pressure test natural gas piping (every 2 years) (TAC§8.230(4)(A))
- *Hire staff in accordance with district policy & procedure (as needed)
- Update AskTED
Charter Specific
For more information: Jim Moore, (903) 988-6834- Submit calendar through TEAL, Charter School Tracking System (CSTS) application
- Update AskTED with TEA Charter Division
Federal and State Programs
For more information: Viki Sparks, (903) 988-6840- Submission to TEA: Mid-July (date fluctuates per PEIMS data submission). Districts and charters receiving more than $750,000 in State Compensatory Education must submit one or all three of the following for the 2021-2022 school year: SCE program evaluations, specific campus CIP and DIP plans. Reference FASRG, Module 6 for specifics.
- Review/update/train district policies and procedures per EDGAR as applicable.
- Review/implement district/campus improvement plans in accordance with district planning process (TEC§11.251)
- Review ESSER III RIPICS and Use of funds plan per six-month review cycle
For more information: Dr. Michael Davis, (903) 988-6724- Prepare for annual financial audit July 1st FY
- Certified Taxable Values due from CAD(s)
- Review student attendance figures as compared to prior year and budget projections
- Run district estimate of state aid for next school year with certified tax roll
- TEA tax information survey open – due August 31st
- Register for Investment Officer training (TEC§45.209)
- Set up next year’s federal programs budgets; match finance budgets to grant budget worksheet
Food and Nutrition
For more information: Genny D'Souza, (903) 988-6764- July 1 - SNP Application Renewals due
- July 1 - FSMC New Contracts and Renewals must be signed and executed. Signed and executed must be submitted to TDA.
- School Nutrition Programs prepare for distribution:
- Media Release
- Free and Reduced Price Meal Applications
- Letter for Directly Certified Eligibility
- Letter to Households of Approval/Denial of Benefits
- Registration is OPEN: for Region 7 ESC Child Nutrition Summer Workshop Aug. 1, 2
School Board
For more information: Dr. Drew Howard, (903) 988-6921- Discuss preliminary budget/budget workshops for September 1st FY
- Review Truth & Taxation Handbook for Texas Comptroller’s Office with business manager
- Schedule Board budget meeting(s)
- *Recommend student insurance carrier
- *Board discussion of property values and funding lag for July 1st FY
- Approve waivers as needed
- Notify ESC Field Service Agents of newly appointed/elected trustees and review associate training requirements/timelines
- Register for the ESC 7 Board Summit July 14-15
- Sign up for superintendent support services and board strategic services cooperative contracts
Special Education
For more information: Beverly Beran, (903) 988-6910- 2023-2024 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (Federal) due July 1st for July 1st effective date (if not submitted by July 1st, effective date will be date of submittal) Due September 1
- 2022-2023 Nonpublic Placement Notification & Application closes July 1st for Nonpublic Residential placements by LEAs
- 2022-2023 SPPI-11 (Timely Initial Evaluation Child Find) and SPPI-12 (Early Childhood Transition) data collection via Child Find Collection in TSDS closes July 27
- Monitor special education expenditures from the general fund to ensure on track for MOE (Maintenance of Effort) compliance. Plan now for compliance review in Spring of 2024
- Residential Facilities Tracker (if applicable) closes July 20
Texas Student Data System(TSDS)/PEIMS
For more information: Teresa Richard, (903) 988-6752- ECDS Prekindergarten data available to customers on July 6th
- Special Education Language Acquisition (SELA) data available to customers on July 6th
- PEIMS Summer re-submission due to ESC 7 on July 13th
- Requests to retire Unique IDs due to TEA for PEIMS Summer Re-submission July 14th
- PEIMS Summer re-submission due to TEA on July 20th
- RF Tracker submission due to TEA on July 20th
- Child Find submission due to TEA on July 27th
- TSDS PEIMS Extended Year ready for users to complete, approve, and accept submission on July 31st
* Requires Board Action / Approval