The Power of Print in a Digital World

Print media may seem to have lost its significance in the era of fast-paced technological advancements. However, upon closer examination of the complex relationship between digital and print media, we come across several compelling reasons why print still holds value. Let's explore the advantages of print media in the digital age and its actual environmental impact today. 

Cognitive Benefits of Tangibility

Printed materials provide a unique sensory experience that digital screens cannot match. Recent research, including a study by Temple University and the University of Maryland in 2019, suggests that reading from printed materials in a distinct way stimulates the brain, resulting in increased understanding and memory retention compared to reading on digital devices (Mangen, 2019).
Region 7 ESC Blog, Amy Palmer, Print Center, print, paper, environment, sustainability, comprehension, marketing, digital age, football program, magazine
Gladewater Bears Football Program. Programs offer a book of memories that last a lifetime.

Personalized Marketing Impact

Advancements in technology have allowed print media to become more sophisticated in terms of personalization for marketing campaigns. Printed materials such as business cards, flyers, and posters continue to be potent tools for businesses to showcase their brand and reach local audiences effectively. A study by the Data & Marketing Association (DMA) and Demand Metric (2018) revealed that personalized printed materials, including direct mail and catalogs, resulted in significantly higher response rates than generic digital advertising (Data & Marketing Association, 2018).
Region 7 ESC Blog, Amy Palmer, Print Center, print, paper, environment, sustainability, comprehension, marketing, digital age, pull-up banner, retractable banner
Nacogdoches ISD Retractable Banners. Retractable banners are lightweight, portable, and perfect for catching visitors' attention for events like trade shows.
Region 7 ESC Blog, Amy Palmer, Print Center, print, paper, environment, sustainability, comprehension, marketing, digital age, CTE, Posters
These CTE signs made of corrugated plastic are ideal for indoor and outdoor use. They will be prominently displayed in schools throughout our region and are designed to last for many years.

Reduced Screen Fatigue

Living in a world where digital devices dominate our daily life can lead to screen fatigue and potential health issues. The American Academy of Pediatrics (2020) conducted a study revealing that excessive screen time can cause sleep disturbances, mood swings, and impaired cognitive development. Fortunately, print media offers a refreshing break from constant screen exposure and can help alleviate these adverse effects. (Radesky, 2020)

Sustainable Printing Practices

The environmental impact of printing has been a primary concern, particularly in today's climate, where sustainability is more important than ever. Nevertheless, the print industry has made significant progress toward sustainable practices. According to Two Sides North America, being mindful of statements like "go paperless-save trees" is essential because they might give a false impression that forests are a finite resource on the verge of depletion. Contrary to this belief, North American forests are renewable and sustainably managed. Through responsible forest management practices, these forests are replenished over time. As evidence of their resilience, the number of trees in the United States has seen a remarkable 20% increase since the inaugural Earth Day celebration in 1970 (Two Sides North America, 2021).
Despite the prevalence of digital media, print media remains influential and relevant. It offers cognitive benefits, such as improved comprehension, reduced screen fatigue, and significant marketing benefits. Furthermore, the industry's sustainable practices reflect a commitment to environmental responsibility. Embracing print media alongside digital platforms allows us to benefit from both, fostering meaningful connections with information and enhancing our overall well-being. Let's celebrate the timeless and enduring power of print!
Region 7 ESC Blog, Amy Palmer, Print Center, print, paper, environment, sustainability, comprehension, marketing, digital age, job shadow
Local students had the opportunity to job shadow in our print center and gained valuable insights into the world of print, including design and marketing basics. It's clear that print has a bright future ahead.
Region 7 ESC Blog, Print Center, Amy Palmer
For more information on printing, visit The Print Center at Region 7 ESC.
Region 7 ESC Amy Palmer Print Center Amy Palmer is the Printing Services Technician at Region 7 ESC's print center. She has over ten years of experience in the field of print. Amy recognizes that print is an investment and truly enjoys helping customers decide what will offer the best return on high-quality printed materials and brand recognition. Amy is a member of the Printing United Alliance and In-Plant Printing and Mailing Association, where she continues gaining knowledge of the latest trends. Amy is a certified Color Management Professional Master working on her marketing bachelor's degree. She has a passion for educating the next generation on the value of print. She often says, "people say print is dead, look around you, printing is far from dead, people just change what they chose to print." Amy and her family reside in Kilgore, where her son keeps her very busy, participating in various school and church activities. 
Data & Marketing Association. (2018). Response Rate Report. Retrieved from:
Mangen, A., et al. (2019). Reading linear texts on paper versus computer screen: Effects on reading comprehension. International Journal of Educational Research, 58, 61-68. 

Radesky, J. S., et al. (2020). Mobile Device Screen Time Among Children Aged 0-8 Years: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics, 145(5), e20191583.
Two Sides North America. (2021). Sustainability Fact Sheet. Retrieved from: