Accountability & Assessment
For more information: Crissy Haynie, (903) 988-6762- Notification to parents of eligibility for Public Education Grants by February 1 (delayed due to litigation) (TEC§29.204(b))
- Ensure Federal Report Card and School Report Card (delayed) have been released and distributed
- Hold Public Hearing of district's annual report (TAPR) within 90 calendar days of receiving the PDF TAPR
- TELPAS window opens
- STAAR Stand-Alone Field Test window opens
Administration and Leadership
For more information: Jim Moore, (903) 988-6834- Review TEA Superintendent Resources & Guidelines
- Develop district goals
- Develop next year's school calendar
- Review Valedictorian & Salutatorian selection process and class rank process
- *Hire staff in accordance with district policy & procedure (as needed)
- Update AskTED
Career & Technical Education
For more information: Mark Parkerson, (903) 988-6864- National Career and Technical Education Month-Celebrate CTE
- Complete Advisory Committee and review goals in Perkins and Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA), CLNA DUE this Spring
- Review Programs of Study and Student four-year plans for accountability,
- Conduct Interest Inventories for 7th and 8th graders, Begin pre-registration activities for JH/MS students-Tour of CTE facilities
- Review budget expenditures to date, Begin budget process for following school year in accordance with district planning process
- Review Career Prep/Practicum Training Plans
- Review and compare 4th 6 weeks Principals and Superintendents FTE report to in-house report
Charter Specific
For more information: Jim Moore, (903) 988-6834- Expansion Amendments close March 1
- Utilize the All-In-One-Form to update AskTED
Federal and State Programs
For more information: Viki Sparks, (903) 988-6840- Begin budget calendar and budget process for 2024-2025
- Review/implement district/campus improvement plans in accordance with district planning process (TEC§11.251) (ESSA§1112, 1114)
- Ongoing consultations with PNPs participating in federal program equitable services (ISDs only)
For more information: Dr. Michael Davis, (903) 988-6724- *Begin bid for depository contract (due June 15)/check status for extension (ISD only)
- Calculate State Aid using end of fourth six weeks' student data
- Establish scope and details of financial audit
- Calculate enrollment projections
- Review student attendance figures as compared to prior year and budget projections
- Review Comptroller's Preliminary CPTD Values - Start appeal/protest if necessary (most delinquent tax firms will advise if protest is beneficial). Check deadline for school districts to file petitions protesting the preliminary findings
- Update SOF Template w/ current ADA and Preliminary 2022 CPTD Values (T Values) – compare results to original revenue projections and make budget adjustments as needed
- Begin budget calendar and budget process
- Debt Transparency Reporting posted on website or submitted by Comptroller for August 31st FYE districts - February 27
- Bonded Debt Payments-from I & S Fund
- Eminent Domain Reporting: Public & private entities authorized by the State under a general/special law to exercise the power of eminent domain must use the Comptroller's reporting form to submit an updated report to the Comptroller's office by February 1 of each year
- Chapter 49 districts – February 15 - For districts selecting the monthly payment option, first recapture payment
Food and Nutrition
For more information: Lana Anderson, (903) 988-6770 or Valencia Watson, (903) 988-6782- On-site monitoring form due 2/1
- FSMC renewal documents due to TDA 2/1
- Plan School Breakfast Week campaign
- Promote Farm Fresh Challenge
- Annual survey, Farm to School survey, and processing survey open in WBSCM
- 2024 Annual NSLP Financial Report (FY2022-2023 Data) opened January 1, 2024, and is due by March 31, 2024.
School Board
For more information: Dr. Drew Howard, (903) 988-6921- *Call Trustee election for May
- Review and update Superintendent evaluation instrument & procedures, as needed
- *Administrator contracts
- Review schedule for Texas Public Schools Week
- *Approve school calendar
- Schedule Trustee candidate workshop (optional)
- *Approve waivers as needed
- Notify ESC Field Service Agents of newly appointed/elected Board Members and review training requirements/timelines
Special Education
For more information: Beverly Beran, (903) 988-6910- Begin budget process for 2024-2025
- Mid-Year Payment Request email sent to applicable LEAs early February regarding IDEA-B Discretionary Residential Reimbursement (Optional fund source) for expenditures for eligible students from 8/1/23, or the contract start date, whichever is later, through 1/31/24
- Monitor special education expenditures from the general fund to ensure on track for MOE (Maintenance of Effort) compliance
Texas Student Data System (TSDS) / PEIMS
For more information: Teresa Richard, (903) 988-6752- PEIMS Mid-Year Resubmission due to Region February 7 1st
- PEIMS Mid-Year Resubmission due to TEA February 8
- SPPI-14 submission due to Region February 7 8th
- ECDS Kindergarten data available to customers on February 8
- SPPI-14 submission due to TEA February 15
- PEIMS Fall data available to customers on February 15
- Class Roster Winter ready for users to complete on February 23
- Class Roster Winter snapshot date February 23 (last Friday of February)
- PEIMS Summer submission ready for users to promote data on February 26
- PEIMS Mid-Year data available to customers on February 29
- SPPI-14 data available to customers on February 29
* Requires Board Action / Approval