Accountability & Assessment
For more information: Crissy Haynie, (903) 988-6762- Post most current accountability ratings and distinction designations, TAPR Report & School Report Card on website by 10th day of the school year (TEC§39.36)
- Update AskTED (ensure Superintendent, Principal(s), and Testing Coordinator are correct)
- Final 2024 Accountability Manual Released
- August 13 - 2024 Accountability Ratings Published in TEAL - appeals window opens
- August 15 - 2024 Accountability Ratings Published on
- Cambium system rollover August 16-August 26
- Testing Transparency (A) and (B): Posting a policy regarding student participation in any assessment mandated by 20 USC 6311 (b)(2)
Administration and Leadership
For more information: Jim Moore, (903) 988-6834- Comprehensive review of all AskTED contacts (be sure you have no blanks)
- Review TEA Superintendent Resources & Guidance and ESC-7 Superintendent Resources
- Review subscriptions to ESC-7 mailing list
- Review inclement weather and safety protocols with administrative team
- Hold district/campus SBDM Committee elections (TEC§11.251(b))
- Distribute/publish Notification of Parents’ Rights (TEC§26.001)
- Distribute copies of TEC§37 and local discipline policies to professional staff before start of school (TEC§37.018)
- Review/amend Student Code of Conduct and post on website
- Establish at least one Parent-Teacher Organization at each school (TEC§26.001(e))
- Review sexual harassment procedures with staff and students
- Evaluate district’s decision-making and planning policies every two years (TEC§11.252(4)(d))
- Cybersecurity training certification submission deadline August 31st
- The 2025-2026 application cycle for innovative courses closes on September 13, 2024. The complete innovative course application timeline is available on the TEA innovation course website.
Career & Technical Education
For more information: Kimberly Harris (903) 988-6771- Publish Annual Public Notification of Nondiscrimination in Career Technology Education Programs: Non-Discrimination Statement
- Complete and submit Perkins Grant Applicant Designation and Certificate (ADC)
- Review Program of Study alignment with POS 2024-2025 Refresh
- Monitor CCMR data
- Schedule Professional Development with ESC CTE Staff
- Verify CTE Teacher certifications and teacher assignments (PEIMS)
- Continue working on Perkins TEAL
Charter Specific
For more information: Jim Moore, (903) 988-6834- Update website to ensure required postings are posted
- Charter School Waitlist TSDS ready to load data to IODS August 5th
- Submit calendar through TEAL, Charter School Tracking System (CSTS) application
- Expansion information can be found at
- Post Charter Superintendent/CEO salary and Board Members on website
- Utilize the All-In-One-Form to update AskTED, including all required positions
Federal and State Programs
For more information: Viki Sparks, (903) 988-6840- ESSA Consolidated Compliance Report for 2023-2024 due September 30th
- *Review/implement district/campus improvement plans in accordance with district planning process (TEC§11.251) (ESSA§1112, 1114)
- 2024-2025 ESSA Consolidated Application, due September 3rd, for LEAs without 12-month grant-funded employees
For more information: Dr. Michael Davis, (903) 988-6724- Budget Adoption for September 1st FY
- Post 72-hour notice of meeting to discuss budget and proposed tax rate
- *Final amendment to current year budget must be done prior to close & must be approved by the Board (August 31st FY)
- *Hold meeting to adopt budget and proposed tax rate on or before August 31st
- Prepare final budget amendments for prior year
- Check date for districts planning a Voter Approved Tax Rate Election (VATRE) to publish Notice of
- Public Meeting to Discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
- Post on website adopted tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance & operations than last year’s tax rate (if applicable)
- Post on website summary of proposed budget and link to budget adopted by Board for the last 3 years
- Publish Notice of Public Meeting to Discuss Budget & Proposed Tax Rate (Texas Comptroller’s Form 50-280), if not conducting a VATRE rate (Publish at least 10 days before meeting not more than 30) - deadline August 21st
- To order a November election: a district must adopt its budget and tax rate before ordering an election – deadline August 22nd (78th day before Election Day)
- TEA Tax Information Survey (TIS) due in TEAL FSP System - report current year actual tax collections used near final settle-up process open – due August 31st
- I&S Bond Payments Check Date (Normally by August 15th)
- Chapter 49 (Recapture) Payment Due to TEA by August 15th
- Confirm district is meeting IDEA-B MOE, ESSA MOE and spending by special allotment/PIC before submitting file to auditor
- Chapter 49 districts - Total recapture payment due from districts with excess local revenue that elected to pay for attendance credit purchased in one lump-sum payment to the state (Option 3) and/or to the partner districts(s) (Option 4)
Food and Nutrition
For more information: Lana Anderson, (903) 988-6770- Distribute/Process Food and Nutrition Household Income applications (if applicable)
- Food Service Management Contract Review Form to complete once per semester
Perkins V Grant
For more information: Kimberly Harris (903) 988-6771- Complete Perkins ADC
- Complete Perkins Application Grant
School Board
For more information: Dr. Drew Howard, (903) 988-6921- *Hold public hearing/Adopt budget for September 1st FY
- *Approve health insurance rates (as appropriate)
- Plan annual teambuilding and complete Bi-annual SB 1566 (2022) (Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes (EISO))
- *Order Trustee election & post notice for November election
- *MOU with juvenile board for districts in counties over 125,000 by September 1st (TEC§37.010(a))
- *Adopt Student Code of Conduct
- *Adopt district/campus improvement plan
- *Establish/approve Local School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) (TEC§28.004)
- Schedule Trustee candidate workshop (optional)
School Safety
For more information: Adrian Knight (903) 988-6845-
Review and update the EOP Basic Plan using the 2024 Template and checklist. Enter “Annual Update” in Record of Changes and Annual Review table. Ensure the EOP includes considerations for Special Populations (TEC§37.1086) and notation of compliance with the Emergency Response Map and Walk-through in EOP (TEC§37.108)
Develop Cybersecurity Annex for EOP using Template, Checklist, and Completion Guide
Review membership District Safety & Security Committee (TEC§37.109)
Safety & Security Committee members (new) complete Psychological First Aid training (TEC§37.108(f)(6)(C)(i))
Review requirements of all Safety and Security Agreements as per Emergency Operations Plans to ensure effective dates are applicable. The memorandum of understanding (MOU) or mutual aid agreements must be submitted to TxSSC upon request (TEC §37.212(d)).
Plan Safety & Security Committee meetings for each academic semester & once during the summer (TEC§37.109). Maintain supporting documentation. Ensure Committee members have had psychological first aid and suicide prevention training (TEC §37.108(f)(6)(C)(i)) and that those elements are in the EOP. Ensure other team duties are completed.
Establish a Safe and Supportive School Program Team to serve each campus. Review the threat assessment process to ensure ready to implement (TEC§37.115)
Verify threat assessment team and complete threat assessment training (TEC§37.115)
Review policies and procedures for the teams (TEC§37.115)
Review a clear procedure for a student to report concerning behavior exhibited by another student for assessment by the SSSP team (TEC§37.115 (c)(4))
Review the procedure to maintain material and records of a threat assessment conducted on a student until the student’s 24th birthday (TEC§37.115(j-1))
Review the process on how to provide the receiving districts with a child’s disciplinary record and any threat assessment involving the child, upon transfer enrollment. (TEC§25.002 (a), TEC§25.036 (c))
Review process for maintaining threat assessment data for reporting (TEC§37.115)
Provide all employees, including substitutes, training in response to an emergency (TEC§37.108)
Ensure that each campus has a Bully Committee (Minimum Standards) and that all required positions are filled. Ensure annual student bully prevention training is completed, student bully surveys are completed, and action plans are developed from the survey results. The district must also ensure an anonymous and identifiable reporting system and tracking mechanism are in place and actively monitored.
Review Traumatic Injury Response Protocol preparations (TEC§38.030)
Inventory bleeding control stations
Review expiration dates for bleed control kits
Develop an annual training schedule for the use of bleeding control station:
School district peace office, school resource officers, or school security personnel
School personnel who may be reasonably expected to use
Offer instruction to students enrolled at the campus in grade seven or higher
Verify district communications technology & infrastructure allow communication during an emergency (TEC§37.108)
Verify district employees, and substitutes, have classroom telephone access to allow immediate contact with district emergency services or emergency services agencies (TEC§37.108)
Develop schedule for mandatory school drills exercises (TEC§37.114)
Fire Drills: required 2 per semester if no guidance is provided by your local fire marshall (TEC§37.114)
Secure Drill: 1 per school year
Lockdown Drill: 2 per school year (one per semester)
Evacuation Drill: 1 per school year
Shelter-in-Place Drill (for either Severe Weather or Hazmat): 1 per school year
Maintain/replenish Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) inventory
Ensure that the LEA Superintendent or designee attends the semi-annual school safety sheriff meeting.
Ensure that the semi-annual safety standard maintenance checklist (REF: Chapter 61: Commissioner’s Rules §61.1031(d)(3)) is complete
Examples of items on the maintenance checklist:
Maintenance records.
Testing of communications infrastructure.
Testing of LE and emergency responder radios.
Proper function of facility components:
Exterior doors
Locking mechanisms on ground‐level windows
Perimeter barriers and related gates
SPAT (Silent Panic Alert Technology)
Dialing 9‐1‐1 from phone systems
Exterior master key boxes and keys
Certify LEA is fully compliant with Chapter 61. Commissioner’s Rules Concerning School Facilities.
Ensure weekly door logs are being maintained.
Conduct a monthly inspection to verify the automated external defibrillator (AED) is placed at its designated location, reasonably appears to be ready for use, and does not reasonably appear to be damaged in a manner that could prevent operation. (THSC§779.003)
Ensure certain individuals have been fingerprinted for a national criminal history records review and other individuals have a name-based criminal history record information review (See TAA, November 2, 2023). In addition, superintendents & chief operating officers of open-enrollment charter schools are required to certify annually that the district or charter school has complied with (TEC§22.085)
Distribute Keep‘em Safe TX information regarding the safe storage of firearms to the parent/guardian of each student enrolled in the district or school (TEC§37.222)
Provide updated school safety emergency contact information to ESC-7 School Safety Consultant (see contact above)
Special Education
For more information: Beverly Beran (903) 988-6910- 2023-2024 State Performance Plan (SPPI) 7 & 13 submission window closes August 9th
- 2024-2025 Special Education Consolidated Applicant Designation Form (ADC)(State) due August 15th (Applicable to RDSPD Fiscal Agents Only)
- 2024-2025 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (State) due August 15th (Applicable to RDSPD Fiscal Agents Only)
- 2023-2024 Non-Ed Funds (Optional funds): Last day for expenditures is August 31st
- Monitor special education expenditures from the general fund to ensure on track for MOE (Maintenance of Effort) compliance
Texas Student Data System (TSDS) / PEIMS
For more information: Teresa Richard (903) 988-6752- RF Tracker Data available to customers August 1, 2024
- Child Find data available for customers August 8, 2024
- Requests to retire Unique IDs for PEIMS Extended Year Submission due to TEA on August 23, 2024
- PEIMS Extended Year Submission due to Region 7 August 22, 2024
- PEIMS Extended Year Submission due to TEA August 29, 2024
- TSDS (All Submissions & Core Collections) ready to load data to IODS on August 5th
- ECDS - KG: TSDS ready to load data to IODS on August 5th
- ECDS - PK: TSDS ready to load data to IODS on August 5th
- RTF Collection: TSDS ready to load data to IODS on August 5th
- PEIMS Fall Submission: TSDS PEIMS ready to load data to IODS on August 5th
- SPPI-14 Collection: TSDS ready to load data to IODS on August 5th
- Class Roster Collection: TSDS ready to load data to IODS on August 5th
- SELA: TSDS ready to load data to IODS on August 5th
- Charter School Waitlist: TSDS ready to load data to IODS on August 5th
- Child Find Collection: TSDS ready to load data to IODS on August 5th
For more information: Jim Moore, (903) 988-6834- RF Tracker Data available to customers August 1, 2024
* Requires Board Action / Approval