Accountability & Assessment
For more information: Crissy Haynie, (903) 988-6762- Notification to parents of eligibility for Public Education Grants (PEG) by February 1st (TEC§29.204(b))
- Ensure Federal Report Card and School Report Card have been released and distributed (TEAs Requirement for Posting of Performance FAQ)
- Hold Public Hearing of district’s annual report (TAPR) within 90 calendar days of receiving the PDF TAPR
- TELPAS window opens
Administration and Leadership
For more information: Jim Moore, (903) 988-6834- Review TEA Superintendent Resources & Guidance and Region 7 ESC Superintendent Resources
- Develop next year’s school calendar
- Review the Valedictorian & Salutatorian selection process and class rank process
- Update Region 7 ESC Commitment and Contract Approvers (as needed)
- Update AskTED
Career & Technical Education
For more information: Kimberly Harris (903) 988-6771- CTE Month Planning for February
Review Budget Expenditures
Certification (Teacher)
For more information: Kevin Blain, (903) 988-6794- Winter application window is now open. Courses begin Feb. 3rd.
- Reminder to check your DOI teachers.
Charter Specific
For more information: Jim Moore, (903) 988-6834- Expansion information can be found at
- Utilize the All-In-One-Form to update AskTED
Federal and State Programs
For more information: Kerri Brice, (903) 988-6719- Begin budget calendar and budget process for 2025-2026
- Review/implement district/campus improvement plans in accordance with district planning process (TEC§11.251) (ESSA§1112, 1114)
- Begin planning for and conducting the required meetings (minimum of two) for the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) to prepare for the 2025-2026 school year.
- Ongoing consultations with PNPs participating in federal program equitable services (ISDs only)
- 2024-2025 ESSA Consolidated Grant Application, RLIS: Review Final Entitlements & Carryover (if applicable) & adjust local records
- Determine if an amendment to grant application is needed
For more information: Dr. Michael Davis, (903) 988-6724
- *Begin bid for depository contract (due June 15th)/check status for extension (ISD only)
- Calculate State Aid using end of fourth six weeks’ student data
- Establish scope and details of financial audit
- Calculate enrollment projections
- Review student attendance figures as compared to prior year and budget projections
- Review Comptroller’s Preliminary CPTD Values - Start appeal/protest if necessary (most delinquent tax firms will advise if protest is beneficial). Check deadline for school districts to file petitions protesting the preliminary findings
- Update SOF Template w/ current ADA and Preliminary 2022 CPTD Values (T Values) – compare results to original revenue projections and make budget adjustments as needed
- Begin budget calendar and budget process
- Debt Transparency Reporting posted on website or submitted by Comptroller for August 31st FYE districts - February 27th
- Bonded Debt Payments-from I & S Fund
- Eminent Domain Reporting: Public and private entities authorized by the State under a general/special law to exercise the power of eminent domain must use the Comptroller’s reporting form to submit an updated report to the Comptroller’s office by February 1st of each year
- Chapter 49 districts – February 15th - For districts selecting the monthly payment option, first recapture payment
Food & Nutrition
For more information: Christie Lammers, (903) 988-6879
- Onsite Monitoring to be completed for schools with more than one site by February 1st
- Food Service Management Company renewal documents submitted to TDA for approval by February 14th
Migrant - Title I, Part C
For more information: Tara Evers (903) 988-6983
- Semester grades are being requested by Marisol Mancha for entry into the TxNGS system.
- Continue to send us the family surveys of new students for Identification and Recruitment.
Perkins V Grant
For more information: Kimberly Harris (903) 988-6771
- Review Expenditures
School Board
For more information: Dr. Sedric Clark, (903) 988-6933- *Call Trustee election for May
- Review and update Superintendent evaluation instrument & procedures, as needed
- *Administrator contracts
- Review schedule for Texas Public Schools Week
- *Approve school calendar
- Schedule Trustee candidate workshop (optional)
School Safety
For more information: Adrian Knight, (903) 988-6933
- LEAs complete the FY 2023 School Safety Allotment Data Collection Survey (Due February)
Special Education
For more information: Beverly Beran (903) 988-6910- Begin budget process for 2025-2026
- 2024-2025 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (Federal): Review Final Entitlements & Carryover (if applicable) & adjust local records
- Determine if an amendment to grant application is needed
- Determine eligibility for 2024-2025 MOE (Maintenance of Effort) Voluntary Reduction, submit amendment if eligibility changed
- Review revised 2024-2025 proportionate share amount to be spent on parentally placed private school children with disabilities (N/A to any charter school; N/A to ISDs with no private school/home schools within their geographical boundaries)
- Mid-Year Payment Request email sent to applicable LEAs early February regarding IDEA-B Discretionary Residential Reimbursement (Optional fund source) for expenditures for eligible students from August 1, 2024, or the contract start date, whichever is later, through January 31, 2025
- Monitor special education expenditures from the general fund to ensure on track for MOE (Maintenance of Effort) compliance
- VI and Deaf-Blind Child Count (including 504) - Superintendent Verification DUE 2/17/25
- Follow established Time & Effort/Substitute System of Time and Effort reporting procedures
Technology Services
For more information: Steve Vaughn (903) 988-6922 or Tim O'Sullivan (903) 988-6958- USAC opens the FCC Form 471 filing window on Wednesday, January 15. Please see below for important filing deadlines. Remember that in general, these deadlines cannot be changed, and missing one may result in your request being unfunded for the year.
- FCC Form 470 (Requesting bids on new products or services).
As there is a minimum 28-day period for bids to be available to vendors, you must file your 470 by 11:59 pm EST on Wednesday, February 26th. - FCC Form 471 (Requesting funding for products and services, to be completed each year, even if in a multi-year contract).
The last date to file a 471 is Wednesday, March 26th at 11:59 pm EST.
Texas Student Data System (TSDS) / PEIMS
For more information: Melissa Smith (903) 988-6795 or Mechelle Carpenter (903) 988-6839Important updates below due to TEA's extension on certain submissions.
- PEIMS Mid-Year Submission: Submission due to Region 7 ESC on February 6th
- ECDS – KG: Submission due to TEA on February 6th
- PEIMS Mid-Year Submission: Submission due to TEA on February 13th
- PEIMS Fall Submission: Fall data available to customers on February 13th
- SPPI-14 Collection: Submission due to Region 7 ESC on February 13th
- PEIMS Mid-Year Submission: Resubmission due to Region 7 ESC on February 20th
- SPPI-14 Collection: Submission due to TEA on February 20th
- PEIMS Mid-Year Submission: Resubmission due to TEA on February 27th
- Class Roster Collection: Winter snapshot date on February 28th
- Class Roster Collection: Winter ready for users to complete on February 28th
* Requires Board Action / Approval