Featured Sessions » Child Nutrition Summer Workshop

Child Nutrition Summer Workshop

Region 7 ESC School Safety Summit
Date: July 30 - August 1
Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Each Day
Location: Region 7 ESC
Workshop: #166849
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Child Nutrition Summer Workshop
Ahoy, me hearties! Join us at the 2024 Child Nutrition Summer Workshop, hosted by the Region 7 Child Nutrition Program. Get ready to uncover the latest treasures from TDA and USDA to keep ye ship sailing smoothly through state and federal waters.
But fret not, me fellow adventurers! We've got plenty of courses lined up to help ye expand yer knowledge, share yer tales, and mingle with other buccaneers from different districts. So hoist the anchor and join us for a swashbucklin' good time! Arrr!
Region 7 will NOT be providing lunch this year.  We will have food trucks; participants can bring their lunch or leave campus for lunch.

Ahoy, me hearties! Take a look at all the breakout sessions up for grabs! Or navigate to the full schedule.
Full Schedule
This training will help CEs establish a foundation in policies and procedures to determine and document student eligibility to participate in the free and reduced price meals offered in the NSLP and SBP, as well as learn required processes for verifying students’ eligibility to stay compliant.
Food Allergies for School Nutrition Managers and Staff is an in-depth training on managing food allergies in school nutrition programs. Food allergy management personnel who take this course will create an outline of a food allergy management plan or have an opportunity to strengthen their existing plan. This course includes information about food allergies, food intolerance, reading food labels, avoiding cross-contact, accommodating students with food allergies, laws regarding food allergies, and educating the school community about food allergies.
This class teaches Contracting Entities (CEs) basic to advanced Food Production Record (FPR) skills including how to fill out a FPR, how to use meal documentation to support the FPR, and how to use the FPR to improve forecasting, communication, organization and to demonstrate compliance.
This course will provide fundamental knowledge in the areas of Entitlement, Menu Planning, Forecasting and DoD Fresh to allow for better use of entitlement funds in the new USDA Web-Based Supply Chain Management (WBSCM) system. Which will be used to manage USDA Foods for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) in the following areas: Ordering Entitlement Management Receipting (for Direct Ship RAs only)
**Participants need to bring their school/district’s LWP to the course or have a digital copy readily available.** This course is intended to position CEs to meet and exceed all the requirements of the Local Wellness Policy (LWP), while also supporting LEAs in tracking all updates and implementation efforts on an annual basis. They include an LWP template, a guide on the background and requirements for the LWP, an accompanying LWP checklist, and a Triennial Assessment Template to assist your local wellness committee with including all legislative requirements in the policy.
This course is designed to assist personnel in child nutrition programs to effectively establish and implement an effective counting and claiming system, acceptable meal collection procedures, quality assurance measures, financial responsibilities, and compliance.
This class aims to teach operators of the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program the basic meal pattern knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to run effective and compliant programs including the lunch and breakfast meal patterns.
This class teaches menu planners of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) how to plan a basic menu, advanced techniques that increase student acceptance and support nutritional requirements, and tools that support the menu plan.
This class provides an overview of Nutrition Standards for All Foods and Beverages (aka Smart Snacks) sold in schools outside of reimbursable meals. Participants will gain an understanding of how Smart Snacks will affect ala carte sales and fundraisers as well as how to use the Smart Snacks Calculator.
This comprehensive course will provide an overview of the purpose and scope of the school meals program. Participants will learn the importance of their role and day-to-day duties that contribute to the overall success of compliant food service operations. Participants will review and evaluate performance measures and professional competencies that demonstrate the required knowledge and skills that contribute to compliant food service operations.
This course is designed to assist personnel responsible for managing the operational, financial, and procurement functions of child nutrition programs with procedural knowledge and resources to prepare for an Administrative, Financial, and Procurement Review. This course is not designed to teach the programmatic concepts of operating the NSLP and SBP.
***Workshop hours are 8:00-5:00 pm on July 30th, 8:30-3:30 pm on July 31st & August 1st*** The purpose of a food safety plan is to ensure the food served to children in the Child Nutrition Programs is safe. By controlling hazards that may occur or may be introduced into foods, school nutrition employees can safeguard food. An effective food safety program will help control food safety hazards that might occur during all points in food service. Receiving, storing, preparing, cooking, cooling, reheating, holding, packaging, transporting, and serving. A truly effective food safety plan needs to be developed for a specific school nutrition program (SNP). By developing a food safety plan for the specs of a school (equipment, staff, physical location, etc.), the number of hazards can be significantly reduced for that site. The goal of this 2.5-day workshop is for participants to take a detailed draft of a school-specific, HACCP-based food safety plan back to their SNPs. This instructor-led workshop incorporates individual work, group discussion, partner work, pre-made templates, and other resources.
Ahoy, me hearties! Don't be lettin' this golden chance slip through yer fingers like sand through a sieve! Stake yer claim to the 2024 Child Nutrition Summer Workshop before the tide turns! Register now, or ye'll be walkin' the plank of regret later!

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