Tara Evers
Tara Evers is a bilingual Specialist II in the State and Federal Programs Department, working closely with Highly Mobile Populations. She tirelessly supports the neediest families in Region 7, advocating for the students of agriculture workers in the region. As a leader of the MEP (Migrant Education Program) for over eight years, Tara has met with families to build their capacity to assist their children with the rigorous academic demands they face. She not only connects migrant families with educational assistance but also links them to community resources that address the unique needs of migratory students.
In addition to her work with Title I, Part C, Tara is a member of the McKinney-Vento team. She provides professional development to administrators, teachers, transportation staff, and other stakeholders on identifying students experiencing homelessness. Her efforts ensure that these students receive the support and understanding they need to succeed academically and personally.
Tara is also certified by R. Payne to present Emotional Poverty training. This training helps educators address anger, anxiety, and violence through effective strategies and best practices. By equipping educators with calming and healing techniques, Tara’s training promotes emotionally balanced classrooms and safer campuses.
- Title I, Part C- Migrant
- McKinney-Vento Homeless- TEHCY
- Highly Mobile- At Risk
- Emotional Poverty