Mark Parkerson » Mark Parkerson

Mark Parkerson

Mark is the CTE coordinator in the State and Federal Program department at Region 7.  He is a graduate of UT Tyler with a bachelor’s degree and Lamar University with an M.ED.  He has presented at numerous statewide conferences including TSTEM, CTAT, and TASA.  He, along with his team, presents an upper-level 6-hour administrator training at CTAT twice a year.  Mark, with cooperation from his team, has designed a CTE financial evaluation template, CTE catalogs, the board game “CTE Reality,” and numerous CTE workshops.  He worked for the University of Texas at Tyler as the Executive Director of the Ingenuity Center for 6 years.  He has been a teacher, principal, and district administrator during his years as an educator.  
  • CTE Evaluator
  • Data Analyst
  • Grants
  • CTE Budgets