National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)

Region 7 ESC has developed a two-year comprehensive program to aid teachers on their journey to NBPTS certification. Teachers can apply to join this cohort and benefit from a program designed to meet each candidate’s unique needs. Members of this cohort will receive mentorship, peer support, and specific component guidance.
The NBCT program is a two-year commitment to self-reflection and study of practice, with courses and assignments designed around components of the successful classroom — Differentiation in Instruction, Content Knowledge, Teaching Practice and Learning Environment, and Effective and Reflective Practitioner. Teachers who choose to participate in this voluntary certification program document their practices through rigorous reflection and analysis, and challenge themselves to improve their teaching skills, which in turn benefits their schools and their community. Join the Region 7 ESC Certification Cohort as we deconstruct the requirements for each component in a collaborative, reflective environment.
Cost of Participation
Candidates pay a $1500 cohort fee to ESC 7 over two years ($750 per year)
Candidates pay an annual, non-refundable $75 registration fee to NBPTS
Candidates pay for the 4 component fees ($1900 total)* to NBPTS
*The component fees will be reimbursed to candidates by their district upon submission of all 4 components and required certification status/score documentation per TIA.
To be eligible for certification, teachers must meet the following education, employment, and licensure requirements outlined in the Guide to National Board Certification. Candidates will be asked to verify these during initial registration.
- Possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. NOTE: Candidates for the Career
and Technical Education certificate are required to hold a bachelor’s degree only if their
state required one for their current license - Have completed three years of successful teaching in one or more early childhood, elementary, middle, or secondary school
- Hold a valid state teaching license
Cohort Timeline
Application available - March 24, 2024 - May 15, 2024
Application Due - May 15, 2024
- email your completed application to [email protected]
Cohort Participants Notified by May 17, 2024
Cohort Welcome Webinar - May 21, 2024 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Monthly Cohort Meetings- 2nd Saturday of each month (Saturdays may be adjusted due to holidays)